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Fitness – Diastasis Recti

How to do pelvic floor exercises

The following is a special post just for women from contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. Boys, avert your eyes until next time… Doing pelvic floor exercises is one of those things we‘re just supposed to know how to do. Midwives, health professionals, doctors and fitness instructors ask “You are doing your pelvic floor exercise aren’t you?” and we’ll nod emphatically, whilst clenching our undercarriage like crazy to make up for…

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A diastasis update

My posts about diastasis (especially the first one) continue to get crazy traffic everyday because moms everywhere are asking “What is wrong with my tummy, and how do I fix it?” As the traffic rolls in, so do the questions. Most recently everyone has been asking the biggest questions of all: “So did the MuTu System work? Are you healed?” I am ecstatic to tell you that my diastasis has…

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Made For Moms: Home Workouts

Home workouts are perfect for moms! Contributor Wendy Powell is here to tell you why (and give you some tips to get started).  Before you were a mom, the opportunities to exercise in any way you chose were yours for the taking. Group exercise, solo challenges, running, biking, extreme sports… the streets were yours to roam, the gym was a second home and thrill-seeking was a top priority. I’m not…

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Postpartum Exercise for Real Moms

The following is a guest post by contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. ***** What’s different about your life as a mom? Well, let’s see: Your body has changed – it’s emerged from pregnancy and childbirth with stretched bits, wobbly bits, weak bits, achy bits Your energy levels regularly dip – Whether your child is a newborn on a school kid, ‘tired’ is likely to be your default mode You…

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How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Raise your hand if your body is in perfect alignment.  …Yeah, me neither.  Wendy Powell of MuTu System is here to tell us why proper alignment is important and how to get there. If you’ve ever compared your body in pre-pregnancy pictures to post-baby shots of you looking rounder, softer and ‘still pregnant’, the thought may have crossed your mind that pregnancy wrecked your body. You’d kinda love to have…

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Eat well to heal your diastasis recti – How good nutrition can help your body to close ‘The Gap’

It’s the first of the month, so Wendy Powell is back!  This time she is sharing nutrition tips that can help us close the gap of diastasis recti.   Healthy, real food has a powerful, positive effect on your body and your mind. Good nutrition blasts fat, reveals muscle. It makes hair shine, skin glow and joints feel supple. It creates energy, lifts spirits and keeps your mood even. A…

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5 Exercises to Heal Diastasis Recti

What exercises will really work to fix a Diastasis Recti gap? As promised I am giving you 5 of my very favorite exercises for healing, reconnecting and restoring your core. As I explained in my last post, Diastasis Recti is a symptom of excessive pressure inside the abdomen and pelvis. If you can reverse and minimize this pressure, the outward symptoms (diastasis, hernia, or even mild pelvic organ prolapse) can…

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