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Celiac Disease

7 Lucky Green Recipes

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  My days of chugging green beer may be behind me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have any holiday spirit left.  Here are seven healthy recipes that are sure to bring you luck for your St. Patty’s Day.  (Well, maybe they aren’t lucky, but at least they won’t leave you with a hangover!) {Stripped Green Smoothie from Nutrition Stripped} (Pictured above) {Miso Broccoli & Quinoa Salad…

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What I want you to know about Celiac Disease: Adrienne’s Story

One of my most popular posts of all time is my real and raw story of how frustrating celiac disease can be. Because that post resonated with so many of you, I decided to start a series featuring YOU and your stories. To submit your celiac story, click here. *** Hi, my name is Adrienne. I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in January of 2013. When I got my diagnosis,…

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How my celiac disease affects my kids

I wrote a passionate post about celiac disease last year that continues to get tons of traffic, comments, and emails. Mostly I think because people are happy not to feel alone. And while I usually stick to the topic of how celiac disease affects me, I want to take a minute and acknowledge the ways it affects my kids. I was thinking about this today as I was lying in…

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Gluten-Free Love

This morning I walked out to the kitchen to find a dozen long-stemmed red roses and a dark chocolate bar with sea salt waiting for me. As Jeff put his arms around me, he whispered romance into my ear. “You should be able to eat this chocolate bar, I researched the company and they clean the lines thoroughly then throw the first two batches out to make sure the chocolate…

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How to do a weekly food prep (5 Tips)

I’ve been following Lindsay (aka The Lean Green Bean) for a few years now, and she never fails to inspire.  Lately I’ve been especially smitten with her weekly food prep posts.  I begged Lindsay to teach us how to become food prep masters, and she agreed (yay!).  I can’t wait to get started! *** As a dietitian, I’m often asked for advice about how to live a healthier lifestyle. Many…

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Why I’m ok with naturally gluten-free foods being labeled “gluten-free”

Lately I’ve heard quite a bit of scoffing when it comes to gluten-free labeling.  This usually takes place around foods that are inherently gluten-free like dried beans, nuts and coffee. Usually the comment is something like, “Why is there a gluten-free label on here?  Coffee has always been gluten-free!  They’re just trying to cash in on the fad.” Maybe. But as someone who suffers from celiac disease and is incredibly…

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Celiac Guilt

Celia Guilt

Celiac guilt, have you ever had it? Joe missed a birthday party today because I was sleeping off a gluten hangover. My parents who keep a gluten-free kitchen just for me are pulling packages out of the trash trying to figure out what in the world could have made me sick at their house the past two Saturdays.  Everything is gluten-free.  There is absolutely no reason I should be sick…

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