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Recipes – Main Dishes

Pizza night is back! {Recipe for GF Pizza Crust and a GIVEAWAY}

{Giveaway has now ended. You can find the recipe at the bottom of the post.} One thing I’ve missed since going gluten-free is pizza night.  Oh sure, we’ve had a few pizza nights using frozen gluten-free crusts, but it’s SO not the same as homemade.  And it’s not nearly as much fun either, especially for my little helpers. Which is why I was so excited when my blogging friend Gretchen…

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Chicken Curry in a Hurry

I don’t know why, but I always seem to forget about how quick and easy it is to make a pot of chicken curry.  Or shrimp curry.  Or whatever-you-want-to-throw-in-the-pot curry.  This is something I should make more often because not only is it quick and versatile, but my family gobbles it up every time. All you need is a can of coconut milk, a jar of green curry paste, chicken…

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Creamy Carrot Soup with Spinach Pesto

Last weekend, we headed to the garden to grab the rest of the rainbow carrots. The kids and I had so much fun pulling them up, “oohing” and “ahhing” over the colors and shapes. Each pull was like a new surprise. Would it be yellow? Purple? Pink? Orange? We ended up with so many carrots that I decided to make what has become a favorite in our house: Creamy Carrot…

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Butternut Squash Pizza

Butternut Squash Pizza from InspiredRD.com #glutenfree #dairyfree

I’ve been going back through some older recipes from my pre-celiac or “PC days” as Gluten Dude would say and making them over to be gluten-free and dairy-free friendly.  One of my favorites that I used to make all the time was a butternut squash pizza.  I would get the fresh pizza dough from Trader Joe’s or make my own focaccia and throw it together on family pizza night. Since…

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Meyer Lemon Slow Cooker Chicken with Sweet Potatoes

Thursday afternoon, I had the privilege of practicing my photography skills on one of the cutest and dearest families I know.  We headed to downtown Gilbert to snap a few shots, the first photos they’ve taken as a family of four.  We caught some beautiful light, and thanks to my photography class last weekend, I knew how to keep the little guys in focus. Those eyes…those wispy-haired brothers…I melt. After…

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Don’t be intimidated, making a frittata is easy!

I’m not sure why it took me so long to learn how to make a frittata. Maybe I was intimidated by the word “frittata”. It sounds kind of fancy. Or maybe it was because for a long time I didn’t have an oven proof pan. As a newlywed, I learned to cook on a nonstick starter set. As we traveled around the country from baseball town to baseball town…read the…

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Recipe Redo: Stuffed Acorn Squash

I’ve decided to go back through some of my earliest recipes and adapt them to my new gluten-free lifestyle. Some of them are easier to tweak than others, like this stuffed acorn squash. My original post was featured on Mint.com’s “7 Vegetarian Meals for $10 or Less” and showcased one of my first stabs at food photography. The recipe didn’t have to be adapted much to make it gluten-free, a…

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