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Recipes – Main Dishes

Slow Cooker Chicken Tostadas

The other day, I overheard a conversation between two parents.  One said that they had to try a gluten-free diet for their son because of his health issues.  The other parent replied with this statement: “Oh gluten-free is not even living!  You can’t eat anything!”  I kept quiet as a mere eavesdropper of their conversation, but I have had similar things said to me after starting my gluten-free diet.  Usually…

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Ground Beef Stir-Fry Recipe

What a beautiful Sunday we had!  40’s and rainy, a little thunder clapping here and there.  We don’t get a day like this very often in the desert.  The kids and I stayed in our pj’s all day!  While they read books and played, I decided to tackle the pantry.  It has needed a good cleaning for a while, but every time I open the doors, I close them back…

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Coconut Kale Fried Rice with Sriracha

fried rice with kale and carrots

The best food bloggers, the ones with the perfect photos of carefully placed props and ingredients, do not become the best by accident. They plan, they prepare, they take the time to improve their skills.  They plan out what they are going to make, and have the shot all set up with props and perfect lighting before the food is even prepared. This is why I’m not one of the…

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Frittata with mushrooms, bacon, and broccolette

Joe started soccer last week.  Does that make me a soccer mom?  Whatever it means, I know one thing.  Our schedule just got a little busier.  Between soccer practice and spring training right around the corner, I need to have ingredients for quick dinners handy. On the nights when I haven’t planned well enough to get a crock pot meal together, a frittata is one of my go-to meals.  It…

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Simple Stuffed Peppers

We’ve been going bell pepper crazy lately living so close to a Sprouts Farmers Market (they have the best prices on bell peppers).  Leila and I could snack on bell pepper strips all day.  We almost always eat them with our lunch, along with what she calls “potatoes” (grape tomatoes). I wanted to do something different with them this week, so I went searching for inspiration.  I have a stuffed…

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Sweet & Savory Brussels Sprouts with Quinoa

Last week, Jenna from Eat, Live, Run posted a recipe for Brussels sprouts with bacon, dried cherries and Israeli couscous.  Not only did the photos make me drool, but the thought of the sweet and savory combo had me determined to make my own gluten-free version.  I had about 25 brussels sprouts from my Bountiful Baskets sitting in my fridge.  I had also picked up a couple packages of Applegate…

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Peanut Butter Pasta

Happy Peanut Butter Day!  I can’t believe I almost missed the holiday the celebrates one of my favorite things in the world.  Thankfully I got a heads up from Janetha at Meals and Moves (by the way, if you haven’t checked out her blog before, you should!).  Our family celebrated a week early by eating this scrumptious peanut butter pasta two nights in a row. You will notice that all…

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