Why I Fight for Slow Living

Recently I’ve had a lot of friends tell me they don’t know how I do it. How do I not go crazy from all our moving and instability and not knowing where we are headed next? First of all, let’s be honest. I’m not perfect, and anxiety sometimes gets the best of me. It’s a lot to take on, this nomadic life we live. But for the most part, I…

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3 Things

As we head into the weekend, I wanted to share three things I’m loving right now. As someone who gives a weary side-eye to commercials and marketing tactics, I love to get the scoop on new things from people I trust. So please share something you’re loving in the comments, I want to get the scoop from you! ***** Live fashionABLE – I had never paid good money for a…

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Another Big Move

Five years ago we moved from Tucson to Gilbert, Arizona. Two weeks ago, we returned from a summer in Montana. One month from now, we will be making another big move. There are boxes everywhere. I have already made two huge hauls to the donation center, with more sure to come. As I stack books and wrap glass in paper, my heart pounds and my mind races. I find myself…

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The Best Reason to Simplify

Friday night, we pulled into the driveway of our Arizona home. After three months in Montana and two days in the car, it felt good to be back. We were glad to be home, but it felt a little strange walking into the house for the first time. Everything seemed small. Or short. Or something. Leila and I felt it, but we couldn’t quite put our finger on it. I…

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Thankfulness Lately

The bags are packed, the apartment is clean, and all we have left is one final game. The championship game. Whether we win or lose tonight, I’m thankful we made it this far. Because our boys have been winning, we have had 10 more days in Missoula. We have been able to witness the beginning of fall. Leaves changing colors, temperatures dropping, the things we miss out on at home.…

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Photography Lately – Abbey’s Senior Session

We have spent the past two summers living in Frenchtown, Montana while Jeff coaches the Missoula Osprey baseball team. Instead of living in a random apartment, we were blessed to be able to stay with a host family. The Teagle Family gave us a sense of home, even when we were so far from everything we knew. They invited us to their lake house, helped me drop off our only…

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Making a to DON’T do list

Last week, I posted this video to my Facebook page, and it seemed to resonate with many of you. . . . Earlier this year, we asked women about their lifestyle – nearly half said they were feeling moderately or extremely stressed & shockingly 40% feel like they’re about to burn out. We weren’t surprised, we feel it too. From our everyday never-ending ‘to do’ lists to the pressure the…

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