We’re Not So Different After All

Lately our family has been sporting these awesome red glasses. Even Hobbs is getting in on the action. Let me tell you why. We wear red glasses to support Maggie Hope. Maggie Hope was born with a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 8 Mosaicism. You can learn more about her condition below, but here is what our family knows for sure: Maggie inspires us. When she walks into a room, everything becomes brighter. Recently we were…

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Eating out with Celiac Disease – Why you should always ask questions

Eating out with Celiac Disease - Why you should always ask questions

I have celiac disease. That means I have to ask a bunch of annoying questions every time I go out to eat to make sure my meal is prepared safely. One small crumb of gluten can knock me out for a month. I’ve been gluten-free for almost four years now. I know what restaurants around me are safe to frequent. I know which ones take gluten-free seriously. It would be easy for…

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Follow me…or don’t.

I realized something icky about myself the other day. Far too often I measure my self-worth by a number on a screen. It hit me that no matter how many followers I have, no matter how much traffic my blog gets, no matter what circles I nudge my way into, I will never feel like I’ve “made it.” If I measure my worth by likes, follows, and pageviews, I will…

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What I’m Reading – February

To keep on track with my goal to read 50 books this year, I started a monthly posting series titled “What I’m Reading.” As I share what I’ve been keeping on my nightstand, I would love to hear what you’ve been digging into as well. Scroll down to the bottom and leave a comment. What have you been reading lately? Here are the books I read in February: 7. The Best Yes by…

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Keeping journals: 5 ways your kids can start now

This year, we started homeschooling our kids, mostly as a way of sticking together as a family. Because of my husband’s job as a professional baseball coach, we move a few times a year. As we began our homeschool journey, I decided pretty quickly that I didn’t want to have a million pieces of paper to organize or endless works of art that would end up in a shoebox (or…

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How to get the most out of your library card

Nerd alert! I’m about to tell you how to get the most out of your library card. I love the library. Loooooooove. And not just because I love to read (which I do). A library card opens up this whole world of new experiences. Books (obviously), movies, kids programming, community events, e-books, and more. Plus, I don’t even have to search for what I want. I can request it, and…

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Goals – An Update

We’re halfway through February, so I thought it would be a good time to see how I’m doing on my 2015 goals. I would love to hear how you’re doing with yours too. Any goal worth working towards requires periodic reevaluation. What am I doing well? What am I completely avoiding? Where can I improve? Here’s where I stand so far this year. 1. Pare down my wardrobe. Last week…

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