Thankfulness Lately

Every once in a while, I feel the need to unplug for a few days. Since it’s Friday, I thought an analog weekend sounded just about perfect. But before I sign off, I wanted to share a few things I have been thankful for lately. It does my soul good to document these things. For spontaneous field-trips and the flexibility of homeschooling. For fresh water in the desert and wise…

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An Invitation

On Saturday at the IF:Gathering, seven women of various ethnicities sat on stage together and had a frank talk about race. As someone who has spent the last six months trying to listen and learn from people outside my little Gilbert, Arizona bubble, I appreciated the intentionality of this conversation. I asked my friend Laila to share some of her thoughts. Over the past six months, I have learned much from her…

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A Lightbulb Celiac Moment

While in Austin over the weekend, I grabbed lunch at a little salad place called Leaf. They make the salads right in front of you, and you can customize them any way you want. I asked the guy who was making my salad to please point out anything I should avoid because of gluten. He asked me if I had an allergy. Here’s where I would normally say yes. Over the past…

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Don’t miss it

When my husband was playing minor league baseball, I dreamed about the day when he would be a big league pitcher and I could start doing meaningful philanthropy work. We would give lots of money away because we would have millions of dollars. We would have big impact in the community because we would have a huge platform. I dreamed and schemed and planned for that day when he would have…

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One step.

I tried not to go to the IF:Gathering in Austin this year. I even gave away my original ticket. I had surgery two weeks ago, and can hardly walk to the mailbox and back. I was more than content to attend IF:Local with women from my community. But the door kept opening, the nudges kept coming, and they have wheelchairs at the airport. So here I go. On Friday I will be hopping limping onto a…

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What I’m Reading – January

One of my goals this year was to read at least 50 books. To keep me on track, I thought I would post once a month to share what I have read so far. I would love to hear about what you have been reading as well. Most of the books I grab from the library come from online recommendations. I’m always looking for new books to put on my…

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Gluten? Get over it.

I wasn’t going to say anything about the new NASCAR ad that will be running during the Super Bowl because I didn’t want to appear “too sensitive” to gluten jokes. I mean, I’m an adult. I can take it. Stupid gluten-free sissies, haha.  Whatever. But then my friend reminded me that adults making fun of other adults for being weak in the name of gluten only adds more fuel to…

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