Peaceful Daily Living

Childhood is not an emergency. So why does it often feel like one? Hurry, hurry, hurry, we’re going to be late! We never have enough time! Finish your homework! Hurry up, let’s go! So many people have told me they would never have the patience to homeschool their kids. The word “brave” has even been thrown my way lately. But you know what? I have never felt more relaxed and…

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Thankfulness Lately

Since moving back from Montana, it has been easy to grumble about the heat, the lack of fall color, the heat, the scorpions, and the heat. When I find myself grumbling a bit too much, I pause, collect my thoughts, and give thanks for all the good stuff. Gratitude softens my heart as we sit in our air-conditioned house and paint fall colors for the windows. Gratitude changes everything. I’m…

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Stop worrying, Start enjoying

After 6 days of homeschooling, I feel like we’re finding our groove. Joe has declared his love for going to school at home, Leila is determined to put in just as much work as Joe, and I’m having more fun than I thought possible. So why am I anxious? As well as everything is going, my mind starts to wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I had a wonderful…

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Why I Run

The purpose of running has changed for me many times over my lifetime.  As a child, running was simply a way to get somewhere faster.  I see this in my children now.  Why walk when you can run? As I became involved in sports, running was part of the game.  I never had to think about it, I just had to show up for soccer practice or a basketball game…

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A few days in…a homeschool and Whole 30 update

We are a few days into homeschooling and the Whole 30. At first I thought we were crazy to start both at once, but I am appreciating the extra energy from the boost of whole foods. We are eating tons of vegetables, good protein, and healthy fats. I don’t think I could have made it this week without this healthy food! For breakfast, I’ve been eating one or two raisin…

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How free can our kids be?

Our family just spent three months in Montana. Three glorious months when our kids could run and play outside all day long. We lived at the top of a hill overlooking a small town. This was our view from the front yard. Aside from being breathtaking, it was the perfect place for Joe and Leila to play outside without me checking on them every two seconds. There weren’t any cars because…

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Whole 30 and Homeschool

Today we start a new Whole 30 challenge which requires lots of planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and organizing. Oh, and we start homeschool too. We are nothing short of overachievers around here. (Send help.) I’ll be doing the modified low-FODMAP plan, and I guess that means Jeff will be too since I’m the one who does most of the cooking around here. While I don’t know if the Whole 30…

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