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Hitting the reset button on healthy eating

I’ve decided to hop back on the Paleo low-FODMAP eating plan.  (What are FODMAPs? Click here.)  This past month has been more down than up in terms of my health, and the worse I felt, the more lazy I became in my eating (which I’m sure made me feel even worse).  I was grabbing a bar for breakfast, maybe even a bar for lunch, scrounging for a dinner I wouldn’t…

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Always trust your “Mama Intuition”

Always follow your "Mama Intuition" via

One morning, just after Leila turned one, I went to check on her.  She had always been a good sleeper, but this particular morning she was snoozing way past her regular wake-up time.  I picked her up and gently tried to nudge her awake.  Her skin felt cool and clammy.  Her hair soaked in sweat.  Her breath strong and fruity.  She woke up, rolled her eyes back into her head…

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Diastasis Recti Check List

Since posting the interview I did with Wendy Powell of the MuTu System, you all have had some great questions! I am excited to get farther into her program so I can tell you whether or not it’s working for me. So far I have watched the intro video and the “Science Bit” video and am ready for the Phase 1 exercises. Two things I noticed after watching the first…

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A diastasis expert answers all of your questions!

Last June I put up a post called “Dear Diastasis Recti, I’m so over you“.  At the time, I was frustrated with my own weak core.  A result of two little bundles of joy who had previously claimed residency in my tummy.  I was determined to fix the gap between my muscles and planned to do the exercises necessary to do that. Little did I know that, a) there are…

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How to Heal a Diastasis the RIGHT way

  UPDATE: Diastasis expert Wendy Powell answers all of your questions from the comment section here.  Remember back in June when I posted about being so over my diastasis?  Well, it’s still there.  Mostly because I didn’t do the exercises I said I was going to do.  Yep, even fitness professionals get lazy sometimes. There was a little more to it than that though.  For one, I strained my neck…

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