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A diastasis update

My posts about diastasis (especially the first one) continue to get crazy traffic everyday because moms everywhere are asking “What is wrong with my tummy, and how do I fix it?” As the traffic rolls in, so do the questions. Most recently everyone has been asking the biggest questions of all: “So did the MuTu System work? Are you healed?” I am ecstatic to tell you that my diastasis has…

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One foot in front of the other

I awoke this morning to a gentle whisper.  Not an audible one, but a quiet nudging of the spirit.  My body was asking me, in the nicest way possible, to get moving. See, I haven’t been exercising lately.  As a health professional, that is a bit hard to admit, but there it is. I have plenty of good reasons (read: excuses) for my recent inactivity.  My schedule is crazy.  …

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Successful Weekly Food Prep

Last month I introduced you to Lindsay (aka The Lean Green Bean) who gave us 5 tips for a successful food prep session. Today I finally tried it for myself. I think I’ve been putting off trying a weekly food prep because THREE HOURS IN THE KITCHEN, but today felt like a good day to stop making excuses. With the Grateful Dead cranked up for inspiration, I go to work.…

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How to do a weekly food prep (5 Tips)

I’ve been following Lindsay (aka The Lean Green Bean) for a few years now, and she never fails to inspire.  Lately I’ve been especially smitten with her weekly food prep posts.  I begged Lindsay to teach us how to become food prep masters, and she agreed (yay!).  I can’t wait to get started! *** As a dietitian, I’m often asked for advice about how to live a healthier lifestyle. Many…

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10 Easy, Attainable Resolutions

I don’t know about you, but all the talk about New Year’s resolutions sometimes makes me want to stick my head in the sand and wait for it all to pass. I think the reason for that is I tend to go overboard on the whole thing. I dream big dreams, make grand plans and then a few weeks later I feel like a failure. So this year, I’m going…

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How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Raise your hand if your body is in perfect alignment.  …Yeah, me neither.  Wendy Powell of MuTu System is here to tell us why proper alignment is important and how to get there. If you’ve ever compared your body in pre-pregnancy pictures to post-baby shots of you looking rounder, softer and ‘still pregnant’, the thought may have crossed your mind that pregnancy wrecked your body. You’d kinda love to have…

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The keys to successful weight loss (plus, a giveaway!)

My RD friend Lauren Slayton released The Little Book of Thin yesterday, and I couldn’t wait to tell you all about it.  I actually read it a few weeks ago and what I found in between the bright orange covers was some of the best diet advice I’ve ever heard.   I’ve always been drawn towards Lauren’s cheeky no-nonsense writing on her Foodtrainers blog, and this book is no different.…

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