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First Day Last Day Photo Idea

The kids just finished up their school year, and I wanted to see how much they had grown. So I put them in the same outfit they wore on the first day of school and took a photo in the exact same spot. I didn’t plan it out this way, but our front door was the perfect backdrop because the lines and door handle gave scale to the photos. You…

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How my celiac disease affects my kids

I wrote a passionate post about celiac disease last year that continues to get tons of traffic, comments, and emails. Mostly I think because people are happy not to feel alone. And while I usually stick to the topic of how celiac disease affects me, I want to take a minute and acknowledge the ways it affects my kids. I was thinking about this today as I was lying in…

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What do YOU do with all of the Halloween candy?

It’s almost Halloween which means CANDY!  And honestly the stressful part of the candy situation doesn’t even happen on Halloween Day.  What gets me is the Halloween candy lurking in the pantry, singing sweet siren songs luring me in for JUST ONE MORE BITE.  And weeks of the kids asking for candy ALL DAY LONG. But what can you do?  You can’t just throw it away, right? Um, actually you…

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An open letter to experienced moms

When we’re young, we see our future parental life through rose colored glasses and make statements like, “My child will never do that.”  We wrinkle our noses at kids in pajamas with wild hair and messy faces at the grocery store.  We sigh and roll our eyes at crying babies on airplanes.  We naively believe in the family portrait painted in our mind of how our family will look and…

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Indoor Boredom Buster Idea – Make Your Own Mini Golf Course

Looking for indoor activities for your very bored kids?  I was tempted to call this a “rainy day activity” but when it rains at our house, we don’t stay inside.  We do this: While most of you have to come up with boredom busters in the rainy and snowy months, our indoor activities take place in the summer when it’s one hundred million degrees outside (approximately). Nevertheless, this is a…

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A healthy-eating challenge for families

One of the biggest lessons I have learned as a mom is that I should never assume anything about my kids.  They surprise me all the time!  Like the time Joe, my overly cautious child, rode Space Mountain at Disneyland and said, “Huh, that wasn’t scary at all.”  Or the time Leila asked for salami and clementines for breakfast. Kids are a curious bunch.  So why do we limit their…

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I have an announcement

Attention World,  I have an announcement to make: MY KID CAN NOW READ. He reads all the time.  He reads everything out loud, and with great gusto. So if you wouldn’t mind, please put away all of your F-bomb t-shirts and hateful bumper stickers. And while we’re at it, I’m going to need all of you store owners to move those trashy magazines away from the check out counters. Thank…

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