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How to simplify in a world of urgency

I get anxious at the same time every year. The same exact week, in fact. I always wonder what is hitting me, then I look back at my blog archives and realize that yep, it’s that time again! Time to re-evaluate everything I put onto my plate. Because we move around a lot and because my work is so fluid, the plate that I am evaluating looks entirely different every…

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Making a to DON’T do list

Last week, I posted this video to my Facebook page, and it seemed to resonate with many of you. . . . Earlier this year, we asked women about their lifestyle – nearly half said they were feeling moderately or extremely stressed & shockingly 40% feel like they’re about to burn out. We weren’t surprised, we feel it too. From our everyday never-ending ‘to do’ lists to the pressure the…

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Make a true connection (IRL)

Because of my husband’s career as a professional baseball coach, we move around. A lot. Our life is a constant stream of hellos and goodbyes, nice-to-meet-you’s and hope-to-see-you-soon’s. And in the midst of all this change, I am finding out that I am not very good at keeping in touch. Oh sure, I follow all my friends on social media. I double tap their Instagram photos, and like their Facebook…

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Finding Life in the Waiting

I have lived a life of waiting. Probably even more so as the wife of a professional athlete turned professional coach. Waiting for the next call-up. Waiting for two lines on a pregnancy test. Waiting for healthy babies to be born. Waiting for our first house. Waiting for my husband after ballgames. Waiting for stability. Waiting for health and healing. I used to get stuck in the waiting. And to…

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What is your default?

A friend recently commented that she hoped my time in Montana was as refreshing for me as it was last summer. So far it isn’t, and I keep wondering why. It finally hit me that I have been exchanging moments of rest and relaxation for moments in front of a tiny screen. It makes sense. I miss my friends, I miss adult interaction when Jeff is on the road or…

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Grace for the journey

I recently posted about my very first capsule wardrobe. I had been intrigued by the idea and wanted to give it a try. I was feeling pretty good about it until a few commenters mentioned that I still had way too many clothes. Hmm. Was I doing it wrong? Is there some kind of minimalist scale I’m missing? I started to get nervous. Then I thought about what my goals…

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Creating margin

I’m a big believer in keeping margins in my life. Space to breathe during the day. Time to read, craft, or simply sit with my family. April seems to be a crazy month for me. There are a few obvious reasons for this, Joe and Leila both have April birthdays and baseball season begins this month. This year I am also crammed with photo shoots. Weddings and senior sessions have me shooting…

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