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How Better Alignment Helps Fix Diastasis Recti

Raise your hand if your body is in perfect alignment.  …Yeah, me neither.  Wendy Powell of MuTu System is here to tell us why proper alignment is important and how to get there. If you’ve ever compared your body in pre-pregnancy pictures to post-baby shots of you looking rounder, softer and ‘still pregnant’, the thought may have crossed your mind that pregnancy wrecked your body. You’d kinda love to have…

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Quick Posture Tip for Busy Moms

It’s Friday!  Which means two days of NO driving to school and picking up from school and dropping the other kid off at school then picking the other kid up at school then running errands then driving home. Phew!  Are you in the car all week too?  If so, here’s a quick tip to help you work on your posture as you’re driving the kids all around the gall darn…

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How to test for Diastasis Recti

I can’t even express how thrilled I am that I finally found a diastasis rehab program that works! My gap is getting smaller and my core is getting stronger. So exciting!  I’ve only been trying to figure out how to fix my mommy tummy for six years…since Joe was just a tiny little guy.  (Side note: My baby isn’t a baby anymore. Sniff.) There are two questions popping up almost…

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Diastasis Recti Check List

Since posting the interview I did with Wendy Powell of the MuTu System, you all have had some great questions! I am excited to get farther into her program so I can tell you whether or not it’s working for me. So far I have watched the intro video and the “Science Bit” video and am ready for the Phase 1 exercises. Two things I noticed after watching the first…

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At Home Full Body Circuit Workout

This at home full body circuit workout is a quick, 20-minute circuit that you can do with very little equipment in your own home. Sneak this in when you get home from work or when the kids are down for a nap. I promise, you will feel better if you fit exercise into your day! This circuit works the best with a set of stairs, but if you don’t have…

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