I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back into an exercise routine. What should it look like? What kind of workouts should I start with? Should I unfreeze my gym membership, and how often should I go? Should I workout in the morning or afternoon? Should I train for a race? How should I start?
Gah. Too many questions.
Then I realized the answer is a simple one.
Just do something.
Put one foot in front of the other and get started.
I reactivated my gym membership, laced up my running shoes, and did a light workout. 2 miles on the treadmill (walking/running mix) and my MuTu exercises.
Boom. That wasn’t so hard.
I came home and made myself a little smoothie. I posted the recipe in case you want to give it a whirl. We have a farm across the street with fresh dates, and I love the mild sweetness they give to a smoothie. You could sub a ripe banana or squirt of honey.
My plan for the rest of the week is simple. Do something every day. Whether I walk, run, do a circuit workout, or just my MuTu exercises, I will do something every day. No grand plans yet. I need to get good habits in place before setting a huge goal. And with my roller-coaster health, I want to stay flexible and give myself freedom to do less on the days when I’m feeling bad.
But it’s a start. And that’s all I needed.

Beet Greens Smoothie
- 8 oz. unsweetened coconut milk or preferred milk
- Handful of beet greens about 1 cup
- Handful blueberries about 1/2 cup
- 3 large organic strawberries
- 1 pitted date
- Blend until smooth. Drink over ice if preferred.
How do you get moving after a long break?
Love this. Some times we just over think things and find excuses to not get up and get moving. If we just get up and do something, anything it gets the ball rolling to want to do more!
Wow, what timing! About one second before I opened up Blogger, I was telling my boyfriend how I want to working out regularly again, but I don’t know how to start. Then I see “Just do something.”
Hmph, you got me.
Haha I love it Erin!! Go do your something 🙂
I had endometrial cancer in January after I had just really gotten fit and was on track. Had to have surgery. I decided to get back out there and walk. I can’t do it everyday at as long but I’m getting there. That’s right. Just do something!! And still eat pretty healthy! I love that your SIL, Alison, showed me your site!
Wow good for you, Jules! Definitely inspiring!
Great idea and a great way to start. I started mutu after reading about it in your blog and took advantage of that discount 🙂 I’m currently on week 5. I have a “dr” of about 2 fingers. Are you doing the 8or 12 week program? I’m also gluten free(4yrs now) intolerance not celiac. Glad to hear your gut has healed and I hope the healing continues. Seems like we have some “things” in common. Hang in there!
I really like working out with the Nike Training app for women on my iPhone. It tells you what to do and even shows little movies of how to do the exercises. You can also play your own music from your ipod during the workouts. The voiceover cuts in to tell you to start doing lunges or “keep going” and stuff like that. Sometimes I do the workouts at the gym because my house is pretty small, but you could also do them in your backyard or at a park.
I’ve been off work since Feb.8 with hip and leg pain from a lower back injury.
Now that the pain has let up I’m trying to increase my walking 1/2 mile each week. I hope I can shed a few pounds.
Great job getting up and at it with exercise again! I have some at home Pilates workouts posted on http://www.runningyourbody.wordpress.com as well as running tips to support your running efforts:) I love your recipes, keep up the awesome work!!!
[…] declaring my intention to “just do something” a few weeks ago, I’ve been doing much better at fitting in exercise. Not perfect, but […]