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MUTU System Then and Now

Diastasis Recti - Interview with MUTU System Founder Wendy Powell

Eight years ago, I set out to find as much information as I could about diastasis recti. How to recognize it, how to heal, and how to get stronger from the inside out. At the time, I owned a Baby Boot Camp franchise, and many of the moms were struggling with postpartum core weakness. I myself had just thrown my back out simply by taking my son out of his…

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How to get the Peloton Experience with a non-Peloton bike

How to get the Peloton Experience with a non-Peloton bike. Here's how we saved $3000 using a cheaper bike and cadence sensor.

Peloton just lowered the price of its basic bike. While that is great news for anyone who has been thinking about buying one, the Peloton bike is still a very expensive piece of equipment. Read on to find out how we hacked our non-Peloton bike to get a Peloton experience for thousands of dollars less.   Why we wanted to buy a bike in the first place My husband Jeff…

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Shifting my Perspective on Fitness

Changing my Perspective on Fitness

Last summer, Leila and I did an at-home workout program together. We had a blast encouraging each other and giggling over our lack of flexibility. At the end of the program, we were stronger and bonded together in a new way. When COVID shut the world down this spring, and we were literally stuck at home, I started doing Peloton workouts every day. (We don’t have a Peloton bike, we…

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My Diastasis Recti Journey

I started researching diastasis recti when my kids were little and my core was incredibly weak. At the time I just wanted to heal so I could get back to what I loved, teaching fitness classes and generally doing whatever kind of workout I wanted to. This was back in 2012, and diastasis recti wasn’t on center stage like it is today. I had to do quite a bit of…

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Resolutions Reevaluated

Last January, I made a New Year’s Resolution to stay on top of my household chores by using a weekly cleaning schedule. I printed the schedule out, stuck it on a bulletin board in the bathroom, and promptly forgot all about it. By January 2, I had already failed. Resolutions are like that sometimes. Good intentions falling flat. As a women’s fitness specialist, I see this most often with diet…

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3 Tips for Exercising with Autoimmune Disease

Exercising with Autoimmune Diseaes - 3 Tips

Today was Monday, and I was actually looking forward to my first workout of the week. But it turns out that today was a rest day. I didn’t know it would be, but my body did, and I’m learning to listen to it. You see, I’m finally on a decent health streak. I’ve been exercising almost every day since August. I haven’t felt this good in a long time. But…

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How to Safely do Crunches when you have Diastasis Recti

The first time I ever blogged about diastasis recti, I could have sworn to you that I would never do a typical crunch exercise again. With all the work I have put into closing my abdominal gap with the MuTu System, I wasn’t about to muck it all up with crunches. But a funny thing happened when I committed to training my core the right way: I learned how understand…

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