3 Things I’m Loving Right Now

I had laparoscopic surgery on Wednesday to remove my appendix (and a few other things of which I’m sure you don’t want all the details). This was my before picture. I’m not going to post an after picture because nobody wants to see that mess. I’m not sure why, but I expected to breeze through surgery like it was a minor inconvenience. I thought for sure I would be up…

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Gluten-Free on a Budget (Giveaway!)

When I started my journey with celiac disease, I was completely overwhelmed. It turned out that I needed three things to get me through the rough start: 1) Education 2) Supportive family members, and 3) A gluten-free community. One of the first people I met in the gluten-free community was Chandice Probst. Her passion for this community is exceeded only by her sweetness of character. I am incredibly thankful for…

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May we not be silent

This quote is an excerpt from a letter that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in a Birmingham jail on April 16, 1963.  I probably read it in school at some point, although I don’t remember being so humbled and challenged as I was when I read it again last night. Whether you’ve read it before or not, I encourage you to take it in today with fresh eyes and an…

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Thankfulness Lately

It’s been a rough couple of weeks, which means it’s time to practice an attitude of gratitude. Because there is always light to be found even in the darkest days. Some things I’ve been thankful for lately… A pup who never fails to put a smile on my face. Sunsets and silos. A night out with friends who love me faults and all. January in Phoenix, a mix of fall…

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Setting the stage for creativity and learning

If I lived in a giant house I would have a craft room where the kids could go crazy and whip up wonderful designs and inventions all day long. But I don’t. If I was Martha Stewart, I would have a perfect craft organizational system with color-coded bins. A place for everything, and everything in it’s place. But I’m not. Until recently, these two limitations had me stuck. If I…

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Goals > Resolutions

I’ve never been much for New Year’s Resolutions. Mostly because they are usually about trying to stop doing something. And when I tell myself to stop doing something, I just want to do that thing. A lot. All the time. It’s all I can think about. So a few years ago, I started setting New Year’s Goals instead. Unlike a resolution, a goal is something positive to work towards. So with my new…

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Cheering each other on

Today is our 13th wedding anniversary. Jeff and I were married on a cold January day in Norman, Oklahoma at a beautiful church. It was still decorated for Christmas, complete with poinsettias everywhere and a giant Christmas tree. Thankfully, our color scheme was red and white, so it worked. These were the days before digital photography, long before Pinterest, and even before DVDs. (Our wedding video is on VHS. Yep.) We…

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