
My one word for 2014 was Quiet. Over the past year, I have learned how to exhale, sit with a cup of tea, and just be for a moment. Quiet was exactly what I needed. This year, what I need more than anything is grace. I’m tired of beating myself up at the end of the day over mommy-guilt. I’m weary of negative self-talk. I can’t spend another minute second-guessing every decision…

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My favorites from 2014

We were this close. This close to escaping Christmas break without getting sick. Yesterday Joe started feeling hot. Today he was so pitiful, he couldn’t get off the couch. Tonight Leila’s head started hurting. I can only assume Jeff and I are next. So as we finish off the year with humidifiers and oil diffusers blazing, I thought I would round up a few of my favorite things from 2014.…

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Merry Christmas

I’m excited for this week. I’m looking forward to taking a break from social media, snuggling in close with the ones I love. Watching movies, sipping tea, telling stories and nibbling sugar cookies. I’ll be back at the end of the month with the year’s most popular posts and a look ahead to next year. (I’ve already chosen my OneWord365 and can’t wait to share it with you!) Until then, Merry Christmas from…

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Procrastinator’s Gift Guide that Gives Back (no gift-wrapping required)

Oh hey, it’s only a few days until Christmas. Are you finished shopping yet? Or are you a procrastinator like me? Instead of fighting the crowds at the mall or paying through the teeth for overnight shipping, how about giving one of these gifts that give back? You don’t even have to wrap them (just print off the gift card and you’re done!). Toys will break and clothes will go…

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The Best Ever Sugar Cookies

This, my friends, is the recipe for the best sugar cookies ever. Ever. It’s my great-grandmother’s recipe, and I probably shouldn’t even be giving it to you. Make a batch with your favorite people. Share with the neighbors. Have fun smashing the dough, and whatever you do, don’t forget the secret ingredient.   (Hint: You can find the secret ingredient below)   These are the best sugar cookies you will ever make!…

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Advent Coffee Stand Now Open! (UPDATED)

UPDATE: Thanks to your generosity, the kids raised over $1000! That means 20 kids in Malawi will have food for all of 2015 and clean water for a lifetime. Thank you for helping our kids help others this Christmas! ***** Joe and Leila set up their third annual Advent Conspiracy Coffee Stand this morning to raise money for kids in Malawi. They collected $153 while serving up cocoa, coffee, tea and donuts. With…

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5 Mom Posture Tips (for your tummy and pelvic floor)

I used to have horrible mom posture. My head entered the room before my body did. My butt was tucked under, and I was almost bent in half most of the time. Bad posture was literally a pain in the neck. And head, and back, and hips… Nothing I tried helped much. I just couldn’t figure out how to train my body to be tall and comfortable. Until Wendy.  I think…

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