When your plate fills up, it’s time to simplify

Last year I wrote about life getting crazy and the urge to clean off my plate. Maybe it’s a November thing, but I feel the need to do it again. I try to be as intentional as I can about my time and commitments. I do my best to say no to good things so I can have the freedom to say yes to great things. And I’m getting ready…

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Easy Party Appetizer: Nuts with Goat Cheese and Grapes

Last week I hosted a Noonday Collection trunk show. My friend Sarah drove up from Tucson so we could have fun trying on all the beautiful jewelry Noonday has to offer. I only added a few fifteen things to my Christmas wishlist. I set out a few simple appetizers for the guests. We had popcorn, antipasto bites, sparkling water and tea. Also, these babies. The perfect combination of salty and sweet. I…

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Sometimes it’s ok to break the rules

“Mom can we start today with painting?” I hesitated. After lecturing him last week on how homeschooling means there is no set schedule. On how he needs to be flexible in his expectations. That “school” is never really over. I almost said no. To the kid who does what is expected. Most of the time without complaining. The kid who will happily do his math, english, and copy work when I…

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Tiny glimpses of Heaven

Sometimes I’ll be going about my day, just my normal everyday activities of teaching, writing, cleaning, cooking, when all at once my breath catches and I see Heaven shining down on my kitchen. Nothing out of the ordinary is happening, but all of a sudden it’s like someone flushed out my eyeballs because I can so clearly see a moment I want to remember. Last night it was Leila twirling in her favorite…

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Thankfulness Lately

I haven’t been blogging as much lately because I’ve been enjoying wider margins in my life. And I count that as a very good thing. So today I pause and give thanks for the joy and peace found in little moments. For gluten-free chicken & waffles, kale chips, and a date who shares. For an excuse to be silly with my husband. For The Incredible Hulk and Purple-Haired Barbie. For…

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Paleo Turkey Chili

My favorite part of Halloween is probably the annual “make-the-face-of-your-pumpkin” photo. That never gets old. What does get old? The heat. I know, we choose to live here, but can’t I just wear a scarf once in the month of October? No? Ok fine. I’ll just take my whiny self into the air-conditioned house and curl up with a nice bowl of chili. This chili is incredible, and so worth the…

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Finding life in the margins

You know when I feel the most run down? The most anxious? The most stuck? When my life has no margins. To have margins means to be thoughtful in scheduling. Not living a life so busy that everything is back-to-back-to-back-to-back. To have margins means making time for breathers throughout the day, or if it is a non-negotiable busy season, making time for breathers throughout the week and month. Making time for…

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