Well, we made it to Missoula, and I just can’t get over the beauty that surrounds us. We are staying in a one-bedroom apartment on the bottom floor of a beautiful home in Frenchtown, a small town just outside of Missoula. The house sits at the top of a hill with 360-degree views of pure awesomeness (That photo above? From the front yard). We have a trampoline and a playground right outside…
As excited as the kids are for our upcoming move trip to Montana, I can see the stress of change starting to creep in. (Must have something to do with the bags, boxes and piles around the house). So now is a good time for me to unplug, focus my attention on their tender hearts, and settle our family into a new way of living. I’ll be back sometime next week…
Nine years ago today we lost our first baby. Every time June rolls around I feel like I should share that with you. But I haven’t because I don’t know how to talk about it in a blog post. If we were sitting across from each other enjoying a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, I would tell you anything you want to know about the little life…
After my post last week about our move to Montana (sorry local friends, our TRIP, not our move), a few people told me that I have an adventurous spirit. I do? Me, the one who tiptoes into the pool instead of jumping in? The one who hyperventilates at the thought of breaking any kind of rule, or (Gasp!), law? The introverted homebody? Me? Do I have an adventurous spirit, or…
I love sharing products that make me go “WOW!” so I thought I would start putting them into quick posts three at a time. I was inspired by the lovely Amy Allen Clark of MomAdvice.com and her “It’s the 3 Little Things” posts. If you’ve never visited her blog before, you should. She posts beautiful gluten-free recipes, book reviews, and tons of great ideas for home, finances, parenting, and more.…
In ten days or so, our family of four will be packing up and heading to Montana for three months. Jeff is the pitching coach for the Missoula Osprey, and their season begins on June 16th. As a baseball family, this is considered normal. But as I started getting questions from those around us, I realized this isn’t normal for most families. So I thought I would answer some of…
The kids just finished up their school year, and I wanted to see how much they had grown. So I put them in the same outfit they wore on the first day of school and took a photo in the exact same spot. I didn’t plan it out this way, but our front door was the perfect backdrop because the lines and door handle gave scale to the photos. You…