Weekend Things

{Opening Day by Thrive Photography} Worth Reading: Doing Less, Being More – Brian Gardner All I know how to do is read – The Wild Love Want to be more creative? Stop doing this. – Ally Vesterfelt Why is good photography expensive? – Jon Acuff How to get your kids to try new foods (and like it!) – Teach Mama   Things that fired me up this week: Mets Player…

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Arugula Bean Dip

Yesterday we celebrated Leila’s 5th birthday with fish tacos and strawberry vanilla cake. She loved the fish tacos, but she may have been even more excited about the cake. It turned out even better than I remembered, and I may have had another piece for breakfast this morning. You can find the recipe for the cake here, and I’ll be posting the fish taco recipe next week. While I was…

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The day we thought we lost you

I pulled into the garage and felt a gush of water. It felt like my water had broken, but it wasn’t your birthday. In fact, I was only 9 weeks pregnant with you. Shaking, I ran into the house calling for your daddy to come get Joe out of the car. When I saw the blood, I cried and whispered, “It’s happening again.” I thought you were gone. We left…

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Quinoa with Beets and Goat Cheese

Spring Training is over, shorts season is here, and I am not 20 years old anymore. Therefore, it’s time to start working out again. I don’t have much of a plan except to do something every day. Whether it’s a DVD, a jog around the neighborhood or quick circuit in the living room, I am going to do something. Because something is always better than nothing. And I was getting…

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Learning to hand over the day…

Being able to work for myself is a blessing. And sometimes a curse. What I struggle with most is truly setting down the work. Switching my brain off at the end of the day to focus on my family. Letting rest and peace and quiet fall. My brain races. Ideas pop, deadlines flash, iPhone beckons. Just one more email, one last scroll through instagram, one last tweet. I recently started…

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Weekend Inspiration

We are finally (slowly) on the mend around here. The light has come back into Joe’s eyes, and so far both kids are fever-free today (fingers crossed). With our quarantine in full effect I had more time than usual to read and waste time on the interwebs this week. Here are some things I found worth sharing. Inspiration: That’s why we’re all different! – Relentless Journey Cultivating (the friends in)…

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Thankfulness Lately

I woke up this morning to two sick kids. We are on day 9 of staying indoors because of fevers, and Joe’s flu has turned into pneumonia. All I want to do is complain about it. So it’s the perfect time to make a gratitude list. Here are a few things I’ve been thankful for lately: Best friends who happen to be brother and sister. Creativity and ingenuity. (Joe, why…

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