The Simple Show

The Simple Show is a podcast that explores unconventional ways of living and making the most out of things like work, travel, and family. This week, Tsh Oxenreider invited me on the show to talk about our family’s unconventional baseball life. We talk about how and why our family travels, what it’s like to live the nomadic lifestyle, and how I can’t stand the smell of ripe bananas. I had…

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How Setting Mini-Goals Can Help You Reach The Finish Line

On a recent trip home to visit family, I told my sister that I wanted to get back into running again. Even though I have been working out pretty consistently over the past year, I haven’t gone for a run in what seems like forever. Running can be hard on my body, especially when autoimmune issues pop up. But I’ve been feeling good lately, better than I have in a…

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Hospitality That Feels Like Summer

My husband is a professional baseball coach which means our family moves 2-3 times a year. While we enjoy the excitement of exploring new cities, it can be hard to constantly be the new people in town. Making friends is difficult when people are busy and you aren’t part of their everyday hustle and bustle. Too many times, good intentions get lost in the shuffle of “Let’s get together sometime!”…

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Free Cooking Classes for Kids

A few weeks ago, Katie Kimball from Kitchen Stewardship emailed and asked if I would like to try her online cooking class for kids. She also mentioned an affiliate program, but to be honest I didn’t read the entire email because I was responding so quickly with YES! Please! Sign us up! See, I have been wanting to cook with my kids for years, but I always fall into the…

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Sometimes the Why Is More Important Than the How

My husband, Jeff, and I have been in professional baseball for 15 years now. Living such an unconventional life invites plenty of questions and commentary from friends, strangers, and even the cashier at Trader Joe’s. Mostly people want to know how I manage to do it all – the moving, the traveling, the homeschooling, the uncertainty. All I can say is that I just…do it. One day at a time.…

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Is The Grass Really Greener?

Have you ever sat there and wondered why everyone else has a bright shiny life and yours is always a big mess? Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and wondered why your house, your clothes, your kids, your life don’t measure up to the pretty pictures on everyone else’s accounts? No? Oh good. Me neither. Except that I do it all the time. Because the grass is always greener on…

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What’s Holding You Back?

I have always wanted to be a great journaler. I used to picture myself in the distant future, thumbing through well-worn leather-bound pages filled with whimsy and wonder from my younger days. Off I would go to the bookstore, carefully picking out the most beautiful and mysterious journal to fill. You know the one with the strong leather smell and the uneven pages with the pretty metal clasp or the…

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