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One foot in front of the other

I awoke this morning to a gentle whisper.  Not an audible one, but a quiet nudging of the spirit.  My body was asking me, in the nicest way possible, to get moving. See, I haven’t been exercising lately.  As a health professional, that is a bit hard to admit, but there it is. I have plenty of good reasons (read: excuses) for my recent inactivity.  My schedule is crazy.  …

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Postpartum Exercise for Real Moms

The following is a guest post by contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. ***** What’s different about your life as a mom? Well, let’s see: Your body has changed – it’s emerged from pregnancy and childbirth with stretched bits, wobbly bits, weak bits, achy bits Your energy levels regularly dip – Whether your child is a newborn on a school kid, ‘tired’ is likely to be your default mode You…

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5 Ways to Fix Mom Posture

I’m not sure when it all started, but somewhere between the years of hunching over a breastfeeding baby, carrying a toddler around in my arms, and tapping away at a keyboard, I developed what I like to call “Mom Posture.” My children were literally becoming a pain in the neck. Although it was painful, I didn’t realize how bad it had become until my husband and I were trying to…

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Just do something.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get back into an exercise routine.  What should it look like?  What kind of workouts should I start with?  Should I unfreeze my gym membership, and how often should I go?  Should I workout in the morning or afternoon?  Should I train for a race?  How should I start? Gah. Too many questions. Then I realized the answer is a simple one.…

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My Diastasis Confession

When my original diastasis post gained traction in the land of Pinterest, I set out to find an expert.  I found the delightful Wendy Powell of the MuTu System and she answered all of our questions.  I presented her to you as the expert because I believe in her program, her methods, and her expertise. Many of you have returned asking how my progress is going since starting Wendy’s program. Umm….. To…

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Seasick eyes, racing heart, can’t lose?

Today I took my first run in what feels like forever.  In fact, I haven’t done any kind of exercise in a couple months. Let me tell you why. Over the past year and a half, my health has been like a roller coaster.  When I was down, I laid low and tried to rest as much as possible.  When I was up, I would go to the gym and…

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How to get a better workout in less time

This post is the sixth in BlogHer’s Inspiration to Fitness series. To start from week one, click here. I can’t believe this is the second to last week of our Inspiration to Fitness challenge! I hope that by now you are feeling stronger, healthier and have more energy throughout your day. I hope you are also learning that a great workout doesn’t have to take all day! One of the…

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