Monthly Archives

June 2012

Adventures with squash blossoms

This morning, we took a trip to the Gilbert Farmers’ Market.  We picked up a colorful array of local produce, and something new that we’ve never tried before. Our haul included chile peppers, sweet potatoes, green tomatoes, heirloom cherry tomatoes, onions, a shallot, garlic, sunflower shoots, peaches, golden beets, squash blossoms, armenian cucumbers, and rainbow carrots.  Before we talk about the squash blossoms, let me hit on my plans for…

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All I can say

I finally opened a jar of roasted red peppers that my mom and I canned last month.  They’ve been sitting patiently in the back of the pantry, marinating and taunting me with their bright red promise of deliciousness.  I was going to edit all of the photos, post a review of the canning cookbook, and share the recipe with you today, but I just don’t have it in me. It’s…

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Thankful Thursdays: Week 23 – Learning to live in faith, not fear

I was telling my mother-in-law yesterday about the exhilarating feeling I had when I climbed the eagle perch and took the leap of faith at a ropes course a few years ago. I explained how my normal self would have hesitated, thought it through, and waited before tentatively jumping. I explained how on that day, I had made the decision to just go for it, climb without fear, take the…

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10 Great Summer Salads

Summer is here and so is the heat! To celebrate, I thought I would round up some of my favorite summer salads to help cool you off.  Most of these are gluten-free friendly.  As far as I can tell, the only substitution you would need to make is to swap out the soy sauce for gluten-free tamari.  Enjoy! Do you have any favorites from your blog to add? Leave a…

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Family Dinners: What’s the Secret?

This post was originally published on Feed Our Families in January. Many of you have asked about how we do family dinners lately, so I thought you would want to read this. Let me know if you have any tips at the end!   What’s the secret to a perfect family dinner? The truth is, I don’t know!  But I do know a few things that help our family have…

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Easiest Ever Roasted Corn on the Cob

Pssst, I learned the easiest way to roast corn on the cob last week. Want to know how to do it? Take your corn, Stick it into a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Yep, right on the rack. Pull it out (careful, it’s hot!), pull back the husk and eat! Or add it to your cowboy caviar, because that’s delicious too. I know, I know, you don’t want to…

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Vegan Caprese Salad

Who doesn’t love the summery flavors bursting from a caprese salad? I know I do! If you are serving someone who is following a vegan or dairy-free diet, this version works perfectly. Simply substitute the typical mozzarella with fresh avocado. Try finding different brightly colored tomatoes at local farmers’ markets or grow your own. Find the full recipe on Happy Summer!  

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