There are moments in the life of my family that I sense a need to step away from the noise and truly be present. So I’m unplugging this weekend, and the only reason I’m telling you about it is so I stay true to my word. Feel free to call me out if you see me online anywhere in the next few days. ***** Before I go, here are a…
Did ya’ll know I’m a photographer?! I knew the stars would be bright in Montana this summer and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to photograph them. So before leaving Arizona, I tagged along on a night sky photography shoot with my incredibly talented friend Justin. In the dead of night on the Salt River, he patiently explained the basics and before long, I had captured this: And this. …
Happy Friday! I thought I would share some of my favorite things from the week. I hope you have a refreshing weekend. And remember…It’s okay to be happy with a calm life. Worth checking out: Stunning Vintage Photos Found in Thrift Store This makes me want to go thrifting. ***** Worth listening to: This week’s episode of This American Life – The Problem We All Live With Right now,…
Earlier this year I had surgery to help with some of my pain issues. And while I felt better for a few months (after suffering through recovery), much of the pain I was struggling with before has returned. And I’m realizing that my wiring, the way I approach fitness and body image, absolutely has to change. The reality of my situation is that I live with celiac disease, endometriosis, and…
We had our first broken bone this week. A freak accident on the trampoline (while talking about how we should totally buy a trampoline for the kids for Christmas. Uh, maybe not.). And so we have been driving to and from town, in and out of doctor’s offices, trying our best to keep our little guy comfortable. And while this was not the ideal way to spend a week of…
A few years ago, Twitter decided to stop showing Instagram photos directly in the feed. These days, when you share from Instagram, all you see is a description and a link. And because Twitter is becoming much more image-heavy (tweets with images get 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites, and 150% more retweets*), you want to be able to engage followers with actual photos instead of links. There is a…
The shifting schedule of baseball season make it easy to get lazy in the kitchen. If I’m not careful, I can easily snack my way through the days and rarely sit down to a real meal. That’s why I love making cold salads like this one. I can throw it together one afternoon, then eat it for the next few days. This salad is the perfect mix of summer flavors…