For my last two birthdays I have posted a fact about myself for each year I’ve been alive. (33 Things About Me & 34 Things About Me) I was going to do it again this year, but I’m in Montana with limited internet. And I just don’t want to. So this is my birthday present to myself. Because I’m 35, and I’ll do what I want.
Saturday we drove down to the Clark Fork Market in downtown Missoula. We got there at about 11:30 because, Hi we are summer people who like to sleep in. After getting stuck in a no parking zone in our bohemoth truck, we found a parking space across the river. As we crossed the bridge, we spotted a few dudes surfing the rapids. Once we made our way into the market…
This quote always stops me in my tracks. So I thought I would share it with you today in my own messy handwriting. Are you far too easily pleased? I am. Far too often, I am. Originally posted on June 21, 2013
The following is a special post just for women from contributor Wendy Powell of MuTu System. Boys, avert your eyes until next time… Doing pelvic floor exercises is one of those things we‘re just supposed to know how to do. Midwives, health professionals, doctors and fitness instructors ask “You are doing your pelvic floor exercise aren’t you?” and we’ll nod emphatically, whilst clenching our undercarriage like crazy to make up for…
I’m what you might call a horrible journaler. First of all, I never stick with it. I have stacks of half-finished journals around the house. And when I start a new journal, I freak out about the first page. Usually I skip to the second page to begin because what if I mess up on the very first beautifully clean page? I know. But as bad as I am at…
Lately I’ve been especially thankful for… Morning walks and the miracle of pollination. Cool days and snow on the mountaintops. Sleeping in and finding new birds to watch. Wispy clouds and rainy mornings. Drives that make me ooh and ahh for hours on end. Raincoats and boots in June. Wide open spaces and room to breathe. What are you thankful for lately?