How wide is your circle?

As an introvert, I tend to keep a small circle of friends. This is intentional. I only have so much of myself to give, so the circle stays small. But there is a danger that can creep in when you live only inside a small circle. Sometimes a small view of the world can follow. If I only interact with those closest to me, those in the same stage of…

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Summer Capsule Wardrobe

If you see me in the next couple of days, I will probably be wearing scrubby clothes because everything else is packed and ready for Montana. Packing has been easier this time around since I know what to expect. I kept my capsule comfortable and neutral with lots of layers because the days can be warm (and sometimes even a little hot), but the nights are cool. Also the baseball…

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Thankfulness Lately

The house is piled with boxes and the stress of moving is creeping in. So I thought it would be a good time to take a breath, look around, and give thanks for tiny glimpses of heaven. For beauty in the desert, for 40 pounds of crawfish and friends to share it with. For a superhero and her grandpa, and fresh pickings from the garden. For hard work and dreams…

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We’re going back to Montana – Frequently Asked Questions

In ten days or so, our family of four will be packing up and heading back to Montana for three months. Jeff is the pitching coach for the Missoula Osprey, and their season begins on June 18th. As a baseball family, this is considered normal. But as I started getting questions from those around us, I realized this isn’t normal for most families. So I thought I would answer some…

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What I’m Reading – April & May

To keep on track with my goal to read 50 books this year, I started a monthly posting series titled “What I’m Reading.” As I share what I’ve been keeping on my nightstand, I would love to hear what you’ve been digging into as well. Scroll down to the bottom and leave a comment. What have you been reading lately? 19. The Sacred Year by Michael Yankoski Frustrated and disillusioned with his…

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Grace for the journey

I recently posted about my very first capsule wardrobe. I had been intrigued by the idea and wanted to give it a try. I was feeling pretty good about it until a few commenters mentioned that I still had way too many clothes. Hmm. Was I doing it wrong? Is there some kind of minimalist scale I’m missing? I started to get nervous. Then I thought about what my goals…

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The single most dramatic aftermath of neglected childbirth…and how you can help

[Photo by Daniel C. White] When I heard about the work Wendy Powell is doing with Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, I knew you would want to know about it too. When I was in Ethiopia a few years ago, one thing I remember feeling was a longing for pregnant women to have safe childbirths. Because my own pregnancies and childbirths were high-risk and at times downright dangerous, I couldn’t help wondering…

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