Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway! Choose just one word. One word you can focus on every day, all year long… One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but…
Let me tell you more about how much I love my electric pressure cooker. Yesterday I went shopping with my mom for important things like tissue poofs and $5 French wines from Trader Joe’s. By the time I got home, it was getting dark and my family was growing impatient for dinner. I had seen a promising Thai Chicken Soup recipe on Pinterest, but it was supposed to cook in…
This past weekend, we drove to San Antonio to hang out with my cousin and his family. On our way there, we stopped in Waco to check out the Silos. You Fixer Upper fans know what I’m talking about. It was a little bit crowded, but definitely worth the stop, especially since I am now the proud owner of a #shiplap t-shirt. While in Waco, we stopped for some Torchy’s…
I did a little food prep this afternoon. After whipping up some Roasted Sweet Potato Salad and Indian Spiced Chicken, I turned my attention to these cute little guys. I like to call them raisin nut bites but the Pinterest crowd likes to call them paleo energy bites. So as a sell-out to good blog traffic, this is what I will call them. Our family doesn’t necessarily eat paleo, but…
We stayed home for Christmas this year. No traveling meant no nasty sick bugs, and for the first time in a long time we had a peaceful and healthy Christmas. With Spring Training on the horizon, we are soaking up our final month of rest with lots of family time, extra sleep and home-cooked meals. Things are about to get crazy in our world, but for now I am giving…
As I ponder a few goals for this year and try to decide on my One Word, I started working on a “More and Less” list. Things I want to do more of and things I want to let go of a little. It seems like a non-threatening way to tiptoe my way into 2016. Here’s what I have so far… – More tea, less wine. – More grace, less…
It is always interesting to look back at old blog posts and see what resonated with readers and what didn’t. Sometimes I hit “publish” and think, “Yes! That was brilliant! Everyone is going to love this post!” And then…crickets. Other times I throw a bunch of emotional words at the screen and they take off like wildfire. Here are the top 10 posts that you shared this year: 10. 5…